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AppScenic Is ISO 9001 And ISO 27001 Certified. What Does It All Mean For You?

AppScenic ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certifications -  

ISO or the International Organization for Standardization is an independent, non-governmental organization that develops international standards for manufacturing, processes, safety requirements, quality assurance, and many more. 

All these international standards help maintain a certain level of consistency and quality across all industries and countries. In other words, when a company is certified ISO it proves that all its procedures or systems can ensure the required quality, consistency, and safety. 

Why does it matter we have ISO certifications?

Well, when a company is ISO certified it actually means that its products and services follow all the requirements for standardization and quality assurance. 

The fact that AppScenic has ISO certifications shows that we can meet the industry standards and we follow specific rules about what needs to be done for all our services. What’s even more important is that these certifications prove that we have all the tools, technology and processes in place that ensure quality, consistency, and safety. 

Everything we do, how much attention we pay to the quality of our services, and what’s required of us, all are under the ISO standards.

An ISO certification also ensures that our company will always keep its products and services updated and relevant. Whenever ISO standards change, we change also. 

Also, you should know that ISO only develops these standards but the certification process is done by third parties annually. 

At AppScenic, we truly believe that we can change the landscape of the dropshipping and e-commerce world with products and services that follow the ISO quality and safety standards. 

That’s why AppScenic has multiple ISO certifications. We are currently holding 9001:20015 and 27001 ISO certifications. 

Below we will explain a bit more what each of them means and why they are important for us and for you. 

What is ISO 9001:2015 certification?

When a company is “ISO 9001 certified” it has met the requirements designated under ISO 9001, which have to do with quality management. ISO 9001, among ISO’s best-known standards, helps businesses and organizations be more efficient and improve customer satisfaction. 

By being ISO 9001 certified, AppScenic products and services meet all the necessary quality standards, and we have also defined and are now following an effective quality management system. At the same time, we need to keep on identifying any areas for improvement so that we can take action as soon as possible. 

Check more about ISO 9001 here

To sum up, ISO 9001 certification guarantees that we are following important principles, such as:

  • We want all interested parties, including our clients, to be happy with our services and products by identifying and respecting their requirements;
  • We will always maintain the team spirit, involvement, dynamism, availability, and professional training, and provide regular training to our employees;
  • We will continue to adapt our software products and services to customer requirements;
  •  We will always align with the applicable regulatory requirements applied to ecommerce.

We are also ISO 27001 certified. What does it mean?

Security is essential these days, that’s why from the beginning we wanted to make sure you feel safe when choosing AppScenic.

ISO 27001 certification was important for us to have as it means that we have the right people, technology, and procedures to fully protect your data. It, therefore, proves that AppScenic routines and systems can securely handle all our own information together with all the data from you. So, you can be sure that your data is completely protected and that we are managing information security according to international best practices.

We have, therefore, implemented an Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO 27001 that:

  • Prevents and minimizes the impact of information security incidents, ensuring the recovery of IT services and creating the necessary conditions for the continuity of our business;
  • Includes optimal software solutions in compliance with security requirements;
  • Protects all data against unauthorized operations.


Our Information Security Management System is fully integrated with our Quality Management System. 

In the end, we hope our ISO certifications can bring us closer to you, so that we can achieve our greatest dream – build the future of eCommerce!

Will you join us? 

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